Mã sách: 107

The Truth TaugHT By All The Buddhas

  • Tác giả: Tỳ Kheo Revata
  • Chuyên mục: Phật học cơ bản
  • Trạng thái: Không còn trong thư viện

Mô tả sách

The truth taught by all the buddhas

Author: Bhikkhu Revata

Tỳ Kheo Revata

The Buddha of this era and the Buddhas of past eras have all taught only two kinds of truths and nothing more than these. 

I have taught the Dhamma that I myself have directly penetrated. All the Dhamma I taught between the day I became enlightened and the day I took final Nibbana – all the Dhamma I have taught are true. There is nothing I have taught which is untrue. 

I have not taught a Dhamma which you cannot practise. Sanjaya Belatthiputta replied. All the wise will go to the Buddha. The fools will come to me. Do not worry?

A person can poison others, but the Dhamma will never poison anyone. Depend on the Dhamma, then, an not on the person. Mentality does not originate in the brain. In fact, there is not the slightest trace of mentality in the brain.